
Video cu DSLR

Azi am deschis mail-ul si am gasit un mail de la Vimeo. Am sarit peste cele 4 motive care ar trebui sa ma inveseleasca ( 5 GB file uploads, Custom URLs for videos, Better HD embedding for Plus users, Hide your activity on your profile page) si am ajuns la urmatorul titlu:

Canon and Vimeo hosted the largest collaborative, user-generated film effort in history

The Story Beyond The Still HD video contest launched the Canon 7D, offering aspiring filmmakers an affordable high-end DSLR, with the ability to shoot big screen quality films. Hosted on Vimeo, it quickly became the largest collaborative, user-generated film effort in history. The final collective film premiered at Sundance and now you have the chance to see how it all ended

E o chestie interesanta, detalii gasiti AICI

Rezultatul final:

The Story Beyond the Still – All Chapters – FINAL COLLABORATIVE FILM from Vincent Laforet on Vimeo.

De acolo am aflat de Vincent Laforet, i-am gasit si blog-ul, si ce mi-a atras atentia a fost pagina My Gear

Asa ca cei care-s pasionati de fotografie se pot documenta putin despre ce echipamente folosesc profesionistii.

Iar de acolo am ajuns la BHphotovideo (un site despre care am auzit multe lucruri dar n-am avut niciodata curiozitatea sa-l vizitez) si am gasit asta:

Canon PowerShot S95 Digital Camera – 294 Euro

GoPro HD Motorsports HERO Camcorder ~ 220 Euro

Shipping to Romania – 81 USD

La noi, cel mai mic pret la oricare dintre cele 2 articole e cu cel putin 100 Euro mai mare. De CE?

Internet YouTube

Islanda, Eyjafjallajökull, 1-2 Mai 2010